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In the following you will find the terms of use for participation in the free offer on the platform [Startforum.de](http://Startforum.de) in English, although the German version is legally binding. You can read the terms and conditions for paid products, web hosting and domain registration \[[here](https://registry.frdl.de/?goto=oidplus%3Aresources%24About%2FLegal.html "https://registry.frdl.de/?goto=oidplus%3Aresources%24About%2FLegal.html")\]. Please also read our [privacy policy](https://startforum.de/legal/page/view?pageKey=privacy "privacy policy") about the processing and handling of personal data and how we use cookies! STARTforum is available to everyone free of charge, unless otherwise agreed and explicitly and clearly marked differently. The operator assumes no liability for the correctness of the information contained, availability of the services, loss of data stored on the platform or usability for any specific purpose. The operators are also not liable for consequential damage resulting from the use of the offer. If an exclusion of liability is not possible, the operator is only liable for gross negligence and willful misconduct. Product and company names are trademarks of their respective owners and are used on these pages for informational purposes only. Due to the constantly changing content of comments and in the forum, it is not possible for the operator to view all contributions without gaps, to check the content and to exercise direct active control over them. No responsibility is taken for the content, the correctness and the form of the posted contributions. By registering at STARTforum and using the offer, the user declares his agreement with the operator to the terms of use. Members who take part in discussion forums and comments undertake to do so 1\.) To abstain from any insults, criminal content, pornography and coarse language in your contributions, 2.) To bear sole responsibility for the content posted by you, not to violate the rights of third parties (in particular trademarks, copyrights and personal rights) and to fully exempt the operator of Webfan from third-party claims triggered by your contributions. There is no entitlement to the publication of submitted comments or forum contributions. The operator of STARTforum reserves the right to edit or delete comments and forum posts at its own discretion. In the event of a breach of the obligations under 1) and 2), the operator also reserves the right to temporarily block membership or permanently delete it. The following also applies to all free web fan offers: 1\.) Incitement to hatred is NOT covered by freedom of expression. 2.) Contributions that violate human dignity, defame certain groups of people, or are to be classified in the ideas of certain parties, are censored by the operator as unreasonable.

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